About Me

I'm a fullstack web developer who always welcomes a challenge and loves to find new ways to solve interesting problems. I strive to be a lifelong learner and achieve personal growth. From my past experiences in the medical field, I am determined to use my skills to create tools that improve the quality of life for everyone.


Kimterest is a single-page application inspired by Pinterest. Users can create boards, collections that store images,which can be uploaded, and allow images to be viewed on a feed.

Live link | Github

Vaping, by the Numbers

An interactive data visualization including a chloropleth map of the United States displaying the percentage of e-cigarette usage in each state via tooltips and a bar graph revealing usage among the youth. CDC's API was used to extract data from 2016- 2017.

Live link | Github


  • JavaScript

  • Ruby

  • Rails

  • React

  • PostgreSQL

  • AWS

  • CSS3

  • d3js

  • HTML5

  • webpack